Find Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides costumes to buy for Halloween through Funtober. Low prices, fast shipping and great selection of adult and kids pirate costumes for the movie characters. Start shopping today for a Jack Sparrow, Angelica or Blackbeard costume from the POTC On Stranger Tides movie for sale for this October.

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We hope you found the Pirates of the Caribbean 4 costume of your choosing available. There are many pirate costume ideas from this movie including:

Captain Jack Sparrow costume: Become the protagonist of the series played by Johnny Depp. There are plenty of adult and kids Halloween costumes for this character, and it is a popular one for a child that wants to be the pirate.

Angelica costume: Become the daughter of Blackbeard and former love interest of Jack Sparrow. She is also the first mate of the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Blackbeard costume: He is the notorious pirate known throughout history and Jack's nemesis in On Stranger Tides. He has the power to command ships with his magic sword and, according to Jack, is the one pirate all pirates fear. He is looking to find the Fountain of Youth to escape a prophecy.

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