Captain Marvel Starforce Costumes

Find your Starforce costume from the Captain Marvel movie and comic book series here through Funtober. Low prices, great selection and fast shipping on these Captain Marvel costumes. If you want to be a part of the Kree warriors such as Yon-rogg, or Vers, shop from these Captain Marvel Starforce costumes:

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The Starforce are a team of Kree brought together by the Supreme Intelligence that possess superpowers. They play a key role in the 2019 Captain Marvel movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe film series.

The members of the Star Force are:

Yon-Rogg: Yon-Rogg is a military commander of the alien Kree and the leader of Starforce. He is loyal to the Supreme Intelligence and is indirectly responsible for the transformation of Carol Danvers into Captain Marvel.

Vers: Carol Danvers (aka Captain Marvel) begins her journey through the Captain Marvel movie as Starforce member Vers, who has been on the team for six years. Her full powers are being limited, but she can take down enemies with photon blasts (before she eliminates the constraints on her superpowers). We eventually learn that the name came from the letters remaining on her dogtag when she was found by Yon Rogg.

Korath the Pursuer: Korath is the Starforce's second in command. He was a Kree cyber-geneticist who experimented on himself. His greatest power is probably the ability to track prey with his low-level power of telepathy.

Att-Lass: Also known as Captain Atlas in the comics. In Captain Marvel, he is a sniper and a weapons specialist. In the comics, he is a ruthless and powerful warrior that becomes disillusioned with Starforce and becomes a warlord that even attempts to invade Earth.

Minn-Erva: In the Captain Marvel movie, she was the team's sniper and long-range specialist. She is played by Gemman Chan. Minn-Erva is a Kree geneticist that is sometimes known as Doctor Minerva. In the comics, she experiments on humans and lesser known races as a scientist. She also possesses the ability to manipulate energy.

Bron-Char: A Kree warrior that was able to successfully destroy one of Captain America's shields in the comics.

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