There are Going to be Halloween Crafts on Funtober this Fall!

Look what followed me home from the grocery store. The Best of Martha Stewart: Halloween Handbook. More than 150 enchanting ideas for costumes, decor, tricks and treats. It cost me a pocket emptying $9.95 at Whole Foods.

I think a giant conspiracy led me to buy it. First, my mom handed me a copy of Halloween: Food & Fun from Best Recipes last weekend.

Then, I came across a post about Halloween with Matthew Mead. So when I spotted the Martha Stewart handbook, I couldn’t resist.

Here’s my quick question for Martha Stewart before I get on with the post: Did you recycle the book completely from 2010? I realized it when I searched for Halloween Handbook while researching this post. Same cover photo. Same number of ideas listed. Some of the tutorials from the 2010 edition look eerily similar. And … just went to the URL listed in my version for the templates and it forwards me to the 2010 version of the templates. Oh, Martha! The letter from you says that it is “reprinted”. I can’t be sure, because I don’t own that copy, but I’m now curious how other people would feel if they bought what they thought was a recent publication when it turned out it might be previously recycled ideas. I honestly wouldn’t have bought it if I suspected it wasn’t all new this year. It looks like past issues have always been unique.

Anyway … Moving along …

There will be a ton of Halloween craft posts on the web in October. In fact, they’ve already started. While I plan to bring you tutorials for some Halloween crafts here, I’ll also link out to worthy posts from others. So here are some to get you started in case you are itching to go:

Heaps of Halloween Ideas – PaperVine
Halloween Wreaths Roundup – One Pretty Thing
Beware Halloween Banner – Crafts Unleashed
21 Halloween Party Favor Ideas on HGTV – The TomKat Studio
Fall Think Of You Card – Kittie Kraft


One thought on “There are Going to be Halloween Crafts on Funtober this Fall!

  1. Sandy says:

    I saw the Martha mag in Barnes & Noble the other day – was tempted – saw the price, and put it down. I will look to Funtober for ideas instead!

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